
All posts in the Interviews category

Interview Girl of the Month: F0BROX

Published January 17, 2010 by The Stardoll Bang(TSB)

Brigitte: Hello F0BROX and welcome to StardollBang! How do you feel knowing that a lot of girls are wearing your great design?

F0BROX: Oh, I think it is great and so many have told me “Thanks you for bringing such a great design into the Starplaza, I am so delighted!”

Brigitte: What/Who is your biggest inspiration in life? And in Stardoll?

F0BROX: I never had a person inspire my dress, but the person I inspired by very much is Marshall Mathers, in his song he says, You can do anything you set your mind to, and that just made me think of all I could do!

Brigitte: Did you expected that you will win the Design Contest?

F0BROX: Actually, I didn’t think I would, I just wanted to join for the heck of it, but I found out that I had a great talent!

Brigitte: Your Stardoll style is great. Your real life style is the same?

F0BROX: To be quite honest, I just wear Abercromie, Hollister t’s most of the time with some cute jeans and my walibies, I can be trendy when I want to though.

Brigitte: Talking about real life, what do you wanna be when you grow up?

F0BROX: I am still not sure, I would like to do many things, I want to be known,famous, but I don’t understand how I can, I would like to be a photographer, I am 13 and very great at it, but I know that wouldnt get me money to raise a family and myself, so if I could do more that one thing, it would have to be, Modeling, Photography and desiging!

Brigitte: How long does it took you to make your winner design?

F0BROX: I don’t quite remember, but I think about, well, I really don’t know but it was under an hour.

Brigitte: What you cannot live without?

F0BROX: Make-up, family and friends. (stardoll:)

Brigitte: What do you wish for the future?

F0BROX: What ever God sets me to do, I am a proud Christian!

Brigitte: It was great talking to you! Any last words?

F0BROX: Thank you also for giving me this wonderful oppertunity of an interview, it was great talking with you, too!

This or That:
Real Design or Stardoll Design:
Stardoll Party or Guestbook Party: Stardoll Party!
Gucci or Prada: Gucci for sure!
Fallen Angel or Bisou: Bisou!
DNKY or Elizabeth&James:  DKNY, quite lovely.
Marc Jacobs or Alexander McQueen: Oh, this is a hard one, Id say, Marc Jacobs.
Lady Gaga or Rihanna: Lady Gaga all this WAY!!!!!!

November’s Interview: …Electra….

Published November 10, 2009 by The Stardoll Bang(TSB)


B:Hey Electra and welcome to The Stardoll Bang! Your MeDoll looks great! What’s your style?
E: Thank you very much! I don’t have a specific style, to be honest. If I see something that I really like it, I’ll buy it and try to work it out using accessories.
B:I saw that your a writer of 5 blogs! How can you do this? Is a hard job?
E: When I visit a stardoll blog that I like, I apply for the writer’s job. It’s quite hard to be active in all of them, though, so I sometimes have to post the same things in all of my blogs!
B:What/Who insipires you most?
E: Many things are inspiring to me. A song, a movie, a quote, a color… It’s complicated.
B:What’s your fave Stardoll brand and why?
E: Kohl’s. I love the clothes, especially Abbey Dawn. It’s a pity we don’t have a Kohl’s store in Greece, because I’m totally in love with them =D


B:Why would you like to be a CoverGirl?
E: Every girl here wants to be a Covergirl, right? Yes, I’d love to be one but we all know what some people do. Raffles and 600 fake accounts to vote themselfs. No, I’m not that desperate.
B:You became famous with your scenery, “Blood is on the dancefloor”, with those gorgeous hands! Why did you chose this title?
E: When I made this scenery, it was Michael Jackson’s birthday. I used to be a fan of him, so I made a scenery inspired by one of his songs, ‘Blood on the Dancefloor’ :]
B:What have you got planned on the future?
E: When I grow up I want to be a fashion designer. It’s just a dream but I already have designed some clothes and they’re pretty good!
B:It’s been awesome talking to you! Any last words?
E: Yes! Electra is here and will rock your world! ;D
This or That: That
Stardoll or I-dressup: Stardoll
Chanel or Gucci: Chanel
UK or Usa: UK(L)
Hamburger or Cheeseburger: Hamburger
Black or White: Black