Bang girls!

All posts in the Bang girls! category

For queenmaya99 (Blog owner)

Published May 12, 2012 by mayapapayavl


Hey remember when you said I could make a graphic for the ” Meet the team” Page (not the facebook one)? Well here is an idea (IT DOESN’T HAVE ALL OF THE WRITERS)! I just thought I would let you know becasue I wanted to see if you liked one. It would be more colorful ( the backround exspecially) Well here it is:

I would use ALOT more creativity. I hope you like it. I haven’t been using the computer much- because of school- the time I have had i’ve been working on this graphic but next time it would look way BETTER! So just think about it, ok?

XOXO Quinn (mayapapayaVL on stardoll)

TSB girl of the Month! Giusyavril98

Published March 6, 2012 by The Stardoll Bang(TSB)

Now, we haven’t had a TSB girl in a while, so I though, Now is the perfect time!

This months TSB girl is Giusyavril98

This is the scene she entered with

However, I had to knowtise her amazing suite as well! Here are a few rooms.

Hello! Congratulations on being a TSB girl! Here is a small interview!
1. Your scene, The wonderful Waterfall is so amazing! What inspired you to make it?
Hello, I wanted to thank you once again. Not only for your beautiful TSB, but also for your kindness! Thank You So Much! Well, just to create that scenery I’ve been looking for true inspiration and I found it after some time .. I thought: why not create a relaxing scenery hat moves away from the world we live in?
2. Again, your suite is amazing, What inspired you for that?
The inspiration came from a kind of opposite world we live inor better, we want to live. I hope I did good!All my suite always come after a long search of inspiration and always looking for new things and especially original. In that case say that the suite ‘waterfall’ is created like perfecting of the Scenery!
3. How would you describe your style on stardoll?
How I describe my style here on Stardoll? that good question!
Let’s say that I define my style, simple but elegant with a touch of design.
4. What item on stardoll would you want the most, and why?
Even though I have been here almost 3 years all I want is to become the Covergirl. However I would have the Scuba Dress, and old items that I sold ELLLE ,DKNY and the White Givenchy Bag.

Thanks very much for this beautiful interview for your wonderful TSB! It ‘an honor to be your MeDoll of months. Thank you so much! 😉

Giusyavril98 was an amazing interviewee, and she truly deserved to be TSB girl, and the gifts!

Congratulations! Go to her suite and congratulate her your self by going here



Published February 23, 2012 by mayapapayavl

Hey guys sorry my user banner isnt up there :(, I just am having a lazy day today and I just wanted queenmaya99 to see this (Maya) If your ever looking for a banner I can do something like this but I can add all of the writers! 🙂 Thanks for looking and see ya later!

XOXO Quinn (mayapapayaVL on stardoll)


Published January 14, 2012 by mayapapayavl

Ok, so I will be doing picture makeovers! I have been doing them for a while now (check my album) and I finall got the nerve to tell all the veiwers of TSB, and if you would like one from me (no pass needed) I will put the picture on a TSB post (with your username) in my guestbook and my album! I will do anyone!

XOXO Quinn (mayapapayaVL on stardoll)

TSB girl of the month!

Published January 1, 2012 by The Stardoll Bang(TSB)

This months TSB girl is a girl you may be familiar with. Her name is Helen, she is Greek…

Yes,its our very own writer (Who I choose to be a TSB girl before picking her to writer) Stardollsatara!

An Interview with Helen.

1. Hi, what is your name,how old are you and where are you from?

 Hi, my name is helen I am 14 years old and I am from Greece 🙂

2. So,then, what inspired you to create a stardoll account?

 My friends they were been playing stardoll for a long time and one day they said me to make one account. So I maked one and when I started playing I liked it and here I am 🙂
3. From the look of your suite,it looks like you are a pretty big rock chick,is this you?

Yes,thats me 🙂

4.What other styles to you like to encorporate into your stardoll account?

 I like all the styles I don’t have problem but I prefer the ‘pretty big rock chick’ as you said.

5..In real life,are you a big fashionista?

No, I am not very much fashionista. I don’t care very much about fashion I care about my friends and the friends that I met in stardoll and loved them like a best friend I ever had because everyone in your life is spesial and everyone is in your life for one reason 🙂
6. What type of clothes do you like to wear in real life?

In real life I like dresses,sporty styles,casual styles and rock style of course 🙂
7. What one word would you use to discribe your self,and why?

I don’t realy know the word that I would describe my self I am like you a usual rock girl and nothing else I am like everyone.

8. Your suite is lovely,what inspires you to make it?

 I am inspired of the other famous dolls like everyone. Everyone inspires his/her suite from the others and I am doing the same but I don’t copy them I just use one of the ideas that they have and you know all the famous dolls have gorgeous suites and fantastick ideas like you 🙂

9. Thank you, Now, who is your idol in the real world?

My idol is Avril Lavigne I just love her I am a big fan of her she is just fantastick 🙂
10. Thank you for the interview, is there anything else you would like to say to our readers?

Is my pleasure I have to thank you for accepting me in the stardoll bang I just love your blog 😀
And yes I want to say something to every girl or boy.I want to tell that I hope that they will have a perfect christmas with they’r familly and with they’r boyfriend / girlfriend.Thank you very much queenmaya99 I hope to you to have everything that you want for this christmas end every other christmas in your life 🙂 with love stardollsatara

For being a TSB girl, Helen now gets
-5/5 covergirl vote

-album comment

-5 scenery comments

-guestbook comment(saying that she won)

-a post with a screenshot of her suite.

-A gift under 8sd

Want to be the next TSB girl? Go to the page, TSB girls,and sign up in comments!


Hello :)

Published December 28, 2011 by stardollsatara

Hello everyone I am the new writer of The Stardoll Bang 😀 I am soo happy 😀 I will introduce you my self. I am stardollsatara ( Helen ) I am 14 years old and I am from Greece 🙂 I hope you like me and like the posts that I will make thank you for your time merry christmas 🙂

New Room!

Published December 16, 2011 by eischbaby

Hey everybody! If you guys haven’t noticed, stardoll came out with a new room, like the Beach Villa or Penthouse. But this time, Its called the Alpine Chalet. Its just as big as the Beach Villa, with two huge rooms and the same price too (last I checked). Here are both of the pictures of the rooms. The rooms are a lot bigger than the pictures show, but it still gives you an idea of what the room would look like. Would you buy it, or have you already? I would rather get the Beach Villa, but that’s just my opinion. Leave your comments! -Eischbaby